Content Guidelines
Unboxing video
A video of unboxing our product first showing all our brand elements - the box, the greeting card, instructions, etc. After unboxing, describe how the product feels and emphasize the key features of it at first glance. (Basically sharing first impressions). Make sure to express genuine emotions (hopefully positive) when unboxing the lightsabers and using them for the first time. (formats: square (1:1), story (9:16) and horizontal format (16:9)
Testimonial video
Sharing more detailed experiences after using the lightsabers for a while. The video should include these key aspects: what are your favourite features of our product? How do you enjoy using it the most (battling with your friends for example)? But most importantly, how do you feel when using the lightsaber (Describe the feeling of being a Saber Master). During the video you should be showing the product and should mention that you took advantage of the buy 1 get 1 offer. It would be also great if you showcase some of your favourite features during the testimonial. Video length should be around 40-60 seconds. (formats: square (1:1), story (9:16) and horizontal format (16:9)
Product in use videos
High quality videos of you using the lightsabers - battling with other people or showcasing how you swing the saber. It’s important that the sound and video effects can be heard and seen clearly throughout the video. Make sure to make the video under specific lighting that is neither too bright or too dark. (formats: square (1:1) and horizontal format(16:9). Video length should be at least 30 seconds and should include multiple different sound and light settings of the saber.